Building Insurance

 Essential if you're buying a home, especially on a mortgage. It covers damage to the property like walls, roofs, and fixed fixtures from fire, flood, and other risks

Contents Insurance

Protects your belongings from theft, fire, flood, and other damages. Consider the total value of your possessions and ensure the policy covers them adequately​

Impact of Weather and Natural Disasters

Be aware of the local climate and natural disaster risks. Standard policies may not cover extreme weather or "acts of God". Ensure your policy covers relevant natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes

Flood Insurance

 Even if not in a high-risk flood zone, consider flood insurance. Home insurance may not cover flooding from external sources like overflowing rivers or heavy rainfalls

Value and Type of Home

The cost of rebuilding your home and the type of construction (e.g., brick vs. wood frame) can affect insurance costs. Regularly reassess your home's value to ensure sufficient coverage​

Deductibles and Premiums

 Choose a deductible that balances lower premiums with the financial burden you can handle in case of a claim

Credit History

Your credit score can impact insurance premiums. A better credit score might lead to lower premiums

Potential Liabilities

Consider liabilities like swimming pools, trampolines, or wood stoves that might increase insurance costs. You may need additional liability coverage​

Safety and Security Features

 Homes with security features like deadbolt locks, smoke detectors, and burglar alarms generally cost less to insure

Maintenance and Updates

Inform your insurer about major home changes, such as renovations or business use of the home, as these can affect your coverage and