Make a Plan for the rest of the day

Eat a healthy lunch! Good food is the best fuel you could give your body to last the entire afternoon.

Leave your workspace. Sit somewhere else while enjoying your food to change up the scenery.

Skip the soda, and drink lots of fresh brewed iced tea or water. Soda may taste great, but will make you feel sluggish in the afternoon.

Run some errands – Grocery Shop, Dry Cleaners, Bank and more are great things to get done during the lunch hour.

Meet a friend for lunch; it will inspire the rest of your day to be great!

Read an inspirational book, or arrange an Office Book Club meeting weekly.

Hit the gym, or go on a long walk. Be sure to bring the appropriate gear so you’re ready to go at noon!

Network with other professionals in your industry, this is a great way to learn from one another.

Don’t be so routine; change up the restaurants or variety of food you choose daily.

Avoid the computer! Give yourself and your eyes a break from the constant demand of the internet and your email!

Go outdoors! The fresh air will rejuvenate your mind and ability to face the next 4 hours!

Try to have lunch with a new co-worker once a month; this will help build office morale.