Follow the 50/30/20 Rule

Allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings for a balanced budget

Pay Yourself First

Prioritize saving over spending to build a financial cushion

Separate Your Savings

Keep savings in a separate account to avoid spending them unintentionally 

Cut Back on Expenses

 Reduce spending, particularly on non-essential items, to increase your savings

Increase Your Income

Explore additional income sources like side hustles or career advancements to improve financial health

Negotiate Your Salary

When starting a new job, don't disclose current pay; aim to get the highest starting offer possible

Avoid Lifestyle Creep

 Be cautious of increasing your spending as your income grows 

Don’t Cosign Loans

Cosigning can jeopardize your credit and relationships if the borrower defaults

Choose Federal Over Private Student Loans

Federal loans generally offer better terms and interest rates than private loans

Mortgage Payments Below 28% of Income

Keep mortgage payments within this limit to manage housing costs effectively