Does condo insurance cover fire damage

Condominium Insurance Fire Damage Coverage Explained

Does Condo Insurance Cover Fire Damage? Here Are The Answers To All Your Questions.

Owning a condo has its own advantages and benefits. Unlike a house, you donโ€™t have the headache to mow the lawn, snow shoveling, or do home repairs.

All these things are taken care of by the maintenance staff. You also have several amenities to enjoy like a pool or gym to enjoy even though they are shared.

You only need to take care of your living space.

Excellent! Isnโ€™t it?

But with all these amazing features, you also have to face some problems if something goes wrong.

Does My Condo Insurance Cover Fire Damage?

One such problem that can become a serious headache is FIRE.

Suppose a fire breaks out, will your condo insurance cover fire damage?

One word answer โ€“ YES!

A typical condo insurance policy provides coverage for damages caused by fire to your unit.

But itโ€™s not that simple.

What if a fire breaks out in another unit that causes damage to yours? This is a tricky question that whose policy pays when a claim is filed.

Whose Condo Insurance Policy Protects Your Unit When It Comes To Fire Damage?

There is no specific answer to this question that covers every situation.

Damages caused to condos are covered by a number of overlapping policies of several condominium insurance policyholders.

Some damages are covered by the policy you hold and some are covered by the policy your condo association holds.

Some fire damage falls into a gray area and is disputed between several insurance providers. Here are some examples.

  • Damage to the structure that includes your condo unit.
  • Damage to the heating and cooling systems.
  • Damages caused to your personal belongings.
  • Damages to the interior structure of the condo unit.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, in some cases, your condo associationโ€™s insurance policy will provide coverage to your condo unit as it was 1st built. This may also include the bathtub and some other appliances.

Your policy would then cover the upgrades and renovations done by you and your other personal possessions up to your coverage limits.

Location Of Fire Breakout Is Also Important

The location where the fire started is also important. For example โ€“ if the fire started in your neighborโ€™s unit, hallway, or any other shared area of the building, itโ€™s important to find where the damage takes place and who is responsible.

Sometimes, condo policies may work as partners, like your policy covering your unit and your neighborโ€™s policy covering their unit.

Your condo associationโ€™s policy may also come into play to cover a part of the damage.


Now you might have an idea how condo insurance claim works in case of damage caused by fire.

Though there are several factors to consider to determine whose policy will pay for the damages, it gets easier to fix the responsibility if you review your associationโ€™s documents such as the master deed and bylaws.

You should always review them before buying a policy to have a clear picture of where your associationโ€™s policy coverage ends and where your policy will kick in.

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