renters insurance water damage coverage

Does Renters Insurance Cover Water Damage? The Full Picture

Does Renters Insurance Cover Water Damage? Here Are The Answers To All Your Questions.

Renters insurance has provisions to cover several types of damages to your property. But does renters insurance cover water damage?

Well, renters insurance water damage coverage depends on the type of damage caused by the water.

Renters insurance covers water damage in scenarios like accidental overflow or water discharge.

Talking about sewer backup, your renters policy might not cover this type of damage. Though this will be available as an add-on coverage.

As a renter, you need to understand the situations covered under your policy.

So what type of water damage is covered by your renters insurance policy? Here is what you need to know regarding this in full detail.

What Water Damage Types Are Covered By Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance water damage coverage is designed for the protection of your personal possessions, not for the structure of the property.

The structure is covered under the homeowners insurance policy purchased by the landlord.

Renters insurance water damage claim depends on what perils are mentioned in your renters insurance policy. You will not be eligible for a claim if the damage is caused by a peril not mentioned in your policy.

Here are some water damages that your renters insurance may cover.

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Accidental Overflow Or Discharge

Your renters insurance policy will cover damage to your property caused by toilet flooding due to accidental overflow or discharge, but there is a condition.

You will not be covered if you knowingly left your toilet clogged and it overflowed damaging your floor or other things.

If this happens naturally, you can file a renters insurance claim to replace your damaged belongings.

Your renters insurance will also pay for any legal bills if the landlord files a lawsuit against you for the damage to the apartment floor due to the overflow.

Renters insurance generally does not cover water damage due to overflow because of backed-up sewer lines or sump pump failure. You will need to add this protection for an extra cost.

Water Damage From Ceiling Leaks

Your renters insurance covers damage caused by water dripping from your ceiling.

If water dripped from the roof or from another apartment and damaged your belongings, for example, your couch or your television, your insurance company will pay for those damages.

Itโ€™s your landlordโ€™s responsibility to keep your apartment well maintained, and this also includes water leaks. He/She is responsible to prevent or fix any leaks.

You should immediately report such faults as soon as you see them as it might save you from any significant future loss.

Burst Pipes

Does renters insurance cover water damage from frozen pipes?


You will also get coverage for freezing and burst pipes under renters insurance that may cause damage to your possessions.

This coverage is also available for old plumbing that breaks and leaks causing severe damage to your things.

Damage by Rain or Hailstorm

If there is any damage to your belongings due to rain or hail that gets in due to structural fault, you will most likely be covered under renters insurance.

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What Type Of Water Damage Are Not Covered Under Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance water damage coverage is not applicable for every type of water damage.

For example, renters insurance water damage coverage is not available if the damage is caused by negligence.

Suppose you left a window open during a storm that damaged your belongings, you will not get any coverage for that as you could have easily prevented it.

Also, some types of water damage have their own specific policy that you will need to purchase separately.

Does damage by flood is covered by renters insurance?

One word answer โ€“ NO.

Damage caused by flooding is not covered by the renters insurance policy.

If you live in an area prone to floods and you are worried about flooding destroying your property, then you should consider buying a flood insurance policy.

But there are some conditions under which renters insurance can protect you from damage by rain or storm.

If your window breaks and water comes in destroying your personal belongings, renters insurance may cover you for those damages.

Also, if your home gets destroyed by a storm, your renters insurance policy will pay for your additional living expense while you find your new living space.

Last Words

We hope you now understand the basics of renters insurance water damage coverage.

The conclusion is:

  • You will not get coverage for damage due to flooding. You will need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.
  • You will not get the coverage benefits if the damage was caused due to negligence.

Itโ€™s always better to inform your landlord immediately if you find any fault that may cause water damage. If you wait longer, your chances to get the coverage will become weaker day by day.

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